In marketing I've seen only one strategy that can't miss - and that is to market to your best customers first, your best prospects second and the rest of the world last.
John Romero
Course Overview
This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of marketing, its functions and organizations, the role of marketing in the society and marketing strategy formulation within the challenges and the opportunities of the current marketing environment.
Syllabus | Attendance | Grades |
Leading Discussions | Evaluation | Submit Summary |
Campaign |
Suggested Topics
Topic : Nudge Marketing
Topic : ChatGPT as marketing tool
Topic : Personal Branding
Topic : Sustainability, CSR, and Green marketing
Topic : Luxury marketing | Counterfeit | Debate |
Topic : Multilevel marketing
Topic : Personalization .
Topic : Influencer Marketing:
Topic: New Trends in Branding (DeBrand)
Topic: TikTok Battles and Challenges
Topic: Guerrilla Marketing
Topic: Chinese Cars Marketing Strategy