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In the world of B2B, your professional network is everything.  - Amber Naslund



The course focuses on formulating and implementing marketing management strategies and policies, a task undertaken in most companies at the strategic business unit level. The marketing management process is important at all levels of the organization, regardless of the title applied to the activity. Typically, it is called corporate marketing, strategic marketing, or marketing management. For our purposes they all involve essentially the same process, even though the actors and activities may differ. The course will provide you with a systematic framework for understanding marketing management and strategy. 


  • Syllabus

  • Groups: Names | Form | Evaluation

  • Grade-sheet  | Attendance

  • Tentative Schedule​​​

  • Presentation: Instructions | Evaluations


Marketing Audit Project (individual)


course content



Podcast: Selling Yourself |

Ch 01: Marketing | Summary | Exercise 1  | 

Ch 02: Strategy (v2) | Summary | Exercise 2 | 

Ch 06: Consumer Summary | New Exercise 4 |

Ch 07: B2B: Trends

Ch 09: Segmentation | Summary |  Exercise 5 |

Ch 10: Positioning  | Summary | STARTBUCKS|  Exercise 6 |

Ch 12: PLC | Summary | Exercise 8 |

Ch 13: Product Line | 

Ch 16: Pricing | Summary | Pricing v2 |

Ch 19: IMC | Summary

Case Studies

B2B Social Media Strategy

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© 2023 by Abdullah A. Aldousari

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